Housing Harmonies

Housing Harmonies is a webcast and network café inspired by musical harmony, where sounds come together to create something new, positive, and pleasant. Each episode draws from one or more conversations with people in the housing ecosystem. Through discussion and commentary, we bring a neuroinclusive lens to housing.

After the release of an episode, we schedule and host a Network Café, inviting folx to come together and further discuss the topic of the episode.

#1 Transitions and Moving

Transitions such as moving can be stressful. Adding the search for affordable and inclusive housing makes it even more stressful. In what ways can we approach transitions and moving from a neuroinclusive lens to make things better?

Network Café

Wednesday May 29th, 1-2 pm ET

Spotlight Practices

In our search for good practices in neuroinclusive housing, we connect with many interesting people doing positive work. We want to showcase their efforts and share what we’ve learned with the National Housing Network. In these Spotlight Practices, we highlight the context of their work, the opportunities they addressed, and how they reflect a neuroinclusive lens. We also share the existing or potential connections to other parts of the housing ecosystem and related tools and resources that may be useful to others.

Cartoon wooden door with arrow pointing in.

#9 Rapid entry to housing program

geometric shapes combined to form a building

#8 Connecting universal design to neuroinclusivity

Drawing of a sun

#7 Positive experiences in housing

Past activities