by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 3, 2023
Workbook guiding individuals to consider their lifestyle, support networks, housing type and location, roommate preferences, being a good neighbour and affordability.
by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 3, 2023
Form capturing what is working or not working in a home, including size, furnishings, and utilities.
by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 3, 2023
Worksheet providing prompts to identify desired and undesired qualities/traits in a potential roommate. Page 95-96 of the English PDF, page 99-100 of the French PDF.
by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 3, 2023
Free online course covering topics such as finding a place to live, independent living, maintaining a home, and tenant rights and responsibilities.
by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 3, 2023
Checklist assessing independence of a broad set of skills in health, home, education, and relationships ranging from needing assistance to full capability.