by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 6, 2023
Checklist used to map someone’s support needs including unpaid/natural support hours per week and funded support hours per week. This tool feeds into the My budget plan tool.
by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 6, 2023
Chart providing a comparison of factors one should consider when deciding to either purchase or rent a home.
by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 6, 2023
Checklist to determine if owning a home fits someone’s needs and whether the associated costs are within their budget. Section: Coûts mensuels de possession d’une maison.
by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 6, 2023
Chart that may help someone decide what is best for them: purchasing a home or renting.
by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 6, 2023
Checklist to identify financial supports someone may access. See Section B. Understand strengths and needs: Inventory checklist.