For this spotlight, we had a conversation with Kerry’s Place in Ontario and we were inspired to think about the necessary time and collaboration required to develop a person-centred comprehensive housing plan. We provide some tools and resources that may be helpful for individuals or service providers for planning.
Ensuring Autistic adults have suitable long-term housing requires consideration of multiple factors and coordination with many professionals and service providers
Dedicating time to understanding the individual and their unique needs
Developing a comprehensive housing plan through a multidisciplinary team
The Neuroinclusive Lens
Inspired by Kerry’s Place in Ontario, a housing plan should:
- Include the Autistic individual in the planning process
- Dedicate time to discuss, plan, and implement necessary services and supports prior to transitions
- Regularly review the living environment and supports in place
Housing Network Connections
Autistic individuals
Families and caregivers
Health and wellness professionals
Financial services providers
Provincial social service programs
Tools and Resources
Alberta Housing Guide by Christopher Whelan
A guide to help individuals think through what they want and need in a home
Developmental Services Ontario housing and support planning tool
A tool for individuals to document who they are and what they need in relation to housing
CFFO’s “Moving to a Place of My Own!”
A guide and toolkit for families and caregivers to generate and implement a person-centred housing plan
We gratefully acknowledge Elissa Moretto and Melissa Gerbasi at Kerry’s Place for connecting with us and discussing their approach to housing transition planning.
For more information about Kerry’s Place visit