by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 5, 2023
Guide discussing respite care and agencies that provide support services for people living independently. Refer to Section 7 of the PDF.
by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 4, 2023
Housing guide with checklists, questionnaires, logbooks, templates, and case studies. Addresses French-language service gaps. Refer to page 20 of the PDF for circles of support for housing transition.
by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 4, 2023
Charts to be completed by a caregiver and an individual receiving support, respectively, to document activities requiring assistance and to coordinate the transition of support during a move. Page 101-102 of the English PDF, page 105-106 of the French PDF.
by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 4, 2023
Worksheet to identify the desired characteristics, abilities, and personality traits a person would like their support worker to have. Page 97 of the English PDF, page 101 of the French PDF.
by Neuroinclusivity in Housing | Nov 4, 2023
Descriptions of support, estimates of hourly rates of support workers, as well as a blank table to summarize desired amount of support hours for each day of the week. Page 86-87 of the English PDF, page 90-91 for the French PDF.